Pokémon Go is hosting a “Dark Flames” event, featuring both dark- and fire-type Pokémon, from June 29 until July 2.
The event debuts Turtonator and its shiny form, alongside Mega Sableye. Heatran caught during this time will also know a legacy move: Magma Storm.
In addition to these new features, you’ll get 25% more XP and three additional candy from completing raids.
You can see all the perks, Timed Research, Collection Challenge, and other bonuses below.
‘Dark Flames’ Timed Research and rewards
Step 1 of 4
- Explore 2 km (10 Poké Balls)
- Catch 2 fire- or dark-type Pokémon (10 Great Balls)
- Catch 10 different species of Pokémon (10 Ultra Balls)
Rewards: 3 Rare Candy, 5 Razz Berries, 1,000 Stardust
After you complete the first step, the quest will branch into two options: dark or fire. The main rewards for completing the steps are the same, but the individual rewards differ and the steps will rely on focusing more on whatever Pokémon type you chose.
Notably, whichever type you pick will spawn more when using Incense.
Step 2 of 4 (dark)
- Catch 20 dark-type Pokémon (10 Poké Balls)
- Power up 10 dark-type Pokémon (10 Pinap Berries)
- Take 25 snapshots of wild dark-type Pokémon (Carvanha encounter)
Rewards: 2,500 XP, 15 Poké Balls, 1,500 Stardust
Step 2 of 4 (fire)
- Catch 20 fire-type Pokémon (10 Poké Balls)
- Power up 10 fire-type Pokémon (10 Pinap Berries)
- Take 25 snapshots of wild fire-type Pokémon (Slugma encounter)
Rewards: 2,500 XP, 15 Poké Balls, 1,500 Stardust
Step 3 of 4 (dark)
- Purify 1 dark-type shadow Pokémon (10 Great Balls)
- Power up 10 dark-type Pokémon (Sneasel encounter)
- Evolve 3 dark-type Pokémon (Scraggy encounter)
Rewards: 5,000 XP, 1 Premium Battle Pass, 2,000 Stardust
Step 3 of 4 (fire)
- Purify 1 fire-type shadow Pokémon (10 Great Balls)
- Power up 10 fire-type Pokémon (Alolan Marowak encounter)
- Evolve 3 fire-type Pokémon (Darumaka encounter)
Rewards: 5,000 XP, 1 Premium Battle Pass, 2,000 Stardust
Step 4 of 4 (dark)
- Catch 20 dark-type Pokémon (3 Silver Pinap Berries)
- Power up 10 dark-type Pokémon (10 Ultra Balls)
- Battle in 3 raids (Houndoom encounter)
Rewards: 7,500 XP, 50 Litten Candy, 2,500 Stardust
Step 4 of 4 (fire)
- Catch 20 fire-type Pokémon (3 Silver Pinap Berries)
- Power up 10 fire-type Pokémon (10 Ultra Balls)
- Battle in 3 raids (Houndoom encounter)
Rewards: 7,500 XP, 50 Litten Candy, 2,500 Stardust
Pokémon Go ‘Dark Flames’ Collection Challenges
Collection Challenge: Dark-type Pokémon
- Catch a Poochyena
- Catch a Carvanha
- Catch a Houndour
- Catch a Stunky
- Catch a Litwick
- Evolve Poochyena into Mightyena
- Evolve Carvanha into Sharpedo
- Evolve Torracat into Incineroar
Rewards: 100 Houndoom Mega Energy, 5,000 XP
Collection Challenge: Fire-type Pokémon
- Catch a Litten
- Catch a Vulpix
- Catch a Houndour
- Catch a Numel
- Catch a Galarian Zigzagoon
- Evolve Vulpix into Ninetales
- Evolve Numel into Camerupt
- Evolve Torracat into Incineroar
Rewards: 100 Houndoom Mega Energy, 5,000 XP
Pokémon Go ‘Dark Flames’ event Field Research and rewards
- Catch 5 dark-type Pokémon (Alolan Meowth or Alolan Grimer encounter)
- Catch 5 fire-type Pokémon (Magmar or Litwick encounter)
- Win a raid in under 60 seconds (Alolan Marowak or Sneasel encounter)
- Win 3 raids (Turtonator encounter)
Pokémon spawn increases for ‘Dark Flames’
- Vulpix
- Houndour
- Houndoom
- Poochyena
- Zigzagoon
- Sableye
- Carvanha
- Numel
- Stunky
- Litwick
- Litten
Pokémon raid targets for ‘Dark Flames’
- Sneasel
- Darumaka
- Scraggy
- Deino
- Marowak
- Flareon
- Umbreon
- Turtonator
- Mega Sableye
- Heatran