Trigun Stampede‘s first episode was released in January, and alongside its incredible animation by Orange, the new series brought a horde of questions for first-time watchers. Crunchyroll’s latest headliner is one of the many reboots differentiating 2023 from previous years. The animated show brings to life the story told in the manga Trigun, written by Japanese artist Yasuhiro Nightow.
Recommended VideosAs a blast from the past, Trigun has actually been animated before. The original series inspired by the literary work of the same name was released in 1998 with a much different animation style and pace, becoming a staple for old-school anime fans. Much like its newest adaptation, Trigun told the story of Vash the Stampede, also known as “Humanoid Stampede,” who is living and creating havoc in the desert planet known as “No Man’s Land.” This beloved tale has been picked up and modernized to bring a new light to this show, however, fans who are just getting into the Trigun extravaganza may be wondering exactly the purpose of the new hit anime.
Is Trigun Stampede a reboot or a prequel?

Trigun Stampede reached its first season finale on March 18, and with its final episode, plenty of information was finally unveiled, including whether or not it is a reboot. Unlike previously believed, the story is in fact a prequel, and not a reboot or a remake of the original installment. In fact, Vash’s infamous $60 billion bounty was shown in the episode, confirming that the events occurred prior to its original story, Trigun.
However, there are still quite a few discrepancies that led fans to believe otherwise for so long, and still question the nature of the anime. Fans on Reddit have jumped the gun and shared their own thoughts, with many believing that the new anime is a mix of prequel and reboot, engulfing details from the original story into this new light in the dystopian sphere. For now, it may be more accurate to say that it is a prequel, that holds a reimagined portrayal of the information from its original story.
Some differences between Trigun Stampede and the original anime

Although the newest adaptation is meant to be a reimagined prequel, during the majority of its time airing, it was long believed to be a reboot. From the very first episode, fans were quick to notice there were plenty of differences when compared to Trigun. Right from the get-go, Vash and his twin brother are introduced as a duo, who ought to flee the planet they were living on. The original story, however, never disclosed Nai’s identity from the start, leaving that piece of information for the final plot twist that shakes up the readers.
In addition to that major detail, Trigun Stampede also introduced new characters while letting go of others. The original anime and manga introduce Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, two insurance agents who specialize in disasters, and who are met with Vash in the desert. The newest adaptation, however, cut out the role of Milly altogether, introducing instead the drunk Roberto de Niro as Meryl’s partner, who is a reporter, instead of an insurance agent. Fans hope the upcoming season will finally introduce Milly at long last.
While the story is definitely being praised upon receiving acclaimed reviews from the very first episode, in the end, it’s best to watch the first and upcoming seasons keeping in mind that Trigun Stampede is a re-imagination of the Trigun series. Details are changed, and the tone of the series is told in a much more mature nature with timeline changes. Still, even for avid fans, this new adaptation appears to bring a new light into the beloved manga series, thus creating an interesting and exciting new beginning for Trigun.
Trigun Stampede‘s first season is out on Crunchyroll.