linda reed Texarkana and linda reed obituaryTexarkana

Celebrate the life of Linda Reed in Texarkana through her obituary. Explore the details that capture Linda Reed’s legacy, offering a heartfelt tribute to the impact she made in Texarkana. Honor her memory by reading the provided obituary details.

Texarkana Woman Leaves Legacy of Love and Faith

Linda Faye Reed of Texarkana, Arkansas passed away on December 18th, 2023 at the age of 66, leaving behind a lifetime of precious memories with family and friends. Born on November 1st, 1957 to J.B. and Birdie Kirkwood in Searcy, Arkansas, Linda carried lessons instilled by her parents throughout her life, touching countless individuals with her kindness, devotion and spirituality.

Linda spent over 30 loving years as a wife to her husband Eardie, whom she married in 1976. Together they raised a daughter, Krissi Henry, filling their home with joy and laughter. Linda adored her grandchildren Cole Fricks and Asheila Henry, taking immense pride in watching the youngsters grow. She equally cherished time with great-grandchildren Khaisley and Eva Fricks.

Family meant everything to Linda. She shared an especially close bond with brother Jim Kirkwood and sister-in-law Zoanne, making room in her heart for beloved nieces and nephews Andy, Kristy, Amy, Anna and Daniel among others. Longtime friends Carlis and Rodney Love and Veda and Boo Cornelius also became inseparable parts of Linda’s family fabric over years of fellowship.

Beyond immediate family, Linda leaves an even broader church family grieving her absence. She faithfully attended Texarkana’s Apostolic Tabernacle, heeding a lifelong spiritual calling. Friends remember Linda’s gentle soul and caring ways touching fellow congregants and community members alike. Her Christian values shined through acts of selflessness large and small.

Professionally, Linda leaves a legacy of dedication and work ethic while employed for over two impactful decades at Cooper Tire. There she built friendships to last well beyond her career. Even while battling health challenges in later years, Linda’s inner light continued igniting the spark in others.

At only 66 years young, losing Linda came shockingly soon for loved ones counting on more treasured times. But even abbreviated, her journey proved profound through sincere faith, an adoring family and days filled with purpose.

While Linda’s physical presence left this world on December 18th, her eternal spirit now rests peacefully with God and cherished daughter Asheila in Heaven. And here on Earth, Linda Faye Reed’s luminous legacy carries on through every soul she uplifted. Texarkana and beyond shine brighter thanks to a beautiful woman and her beautiful life.

May she continue watching over family from above, her memory living on in their hearts until joyful reunions in the ever after. Rest in peace, dear Linda. Yours was truly a life well-lived.
