Brandi Redmond and Jennifer Davis Long realize they have “matching vaginas” during the Season 5 premiere of The Real Housewives of Dallas. In this EXCLUSIVE sneak peek clip at the Jan. 5 episode, Brandi starts talking about how she “looks better naked”, when newcomer Jennifer says she’d feel the same way about herself — if it weren’t for the “drippy parts”.
The ladies seem confused by Jennifer’s statement, so she explains that she’s referring to her vagina. And Brandi appears to know exactly what Jennifer is talking about. “I have a gobbler,” Brandi tells the group, before Jennifer adds, “I have a gobbler, too.”
When everyone asks for a better explanation, Brandi asks, “So you know like a turkey?” But before she can get any further, someone says they thought a “gobbler” was what people call neck skin that droops down, and that’s when Brandi yells, “Yeah! That’s out of your vagina.”

Then, Brandi and Jennifer, who’s serving as a “friend” this season, get so excited that they offer to show each other their lady parts. “You wanna look now? Around the corner?” she asks, clearly not wanting to wait any longer to see Brandi’s woohoo.
So they go “really quick” into the pantry and flash each other. Afterwards, Brandi exclaims, “Our vaginas are twins! We’re matching!” She then adds, “There’s never been a gender that I haven’t liked or loved,” leading us to believe she may have truly enjoyed checking our Jennifer’s private parts.
And this is just the beginning of Season 5, ladies and gentlemen. If you want more, make sure you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas when it premieres on Tuesday, Jan. 5, at 9pm on Bravo.