- Missy and Sheldon's relationship shifted dramatically in Young Sheldon season 6, leading to a rift over his neediness and her resentment.
- Despite their close bond in their youth, Missy and Sheldon struggled to connect as they got older due to differences and missed expectations.
- In The Big Bang Theory, Missy and Sheldon's relationship remained strained, with Sheldon's good intentions often causing conflict and misunderstandings between the siblings.
Sheldon Cooper's twin sister Missy has long been overshadowed in Young Sheldon. The siblings have had many ups and downs over the seven seasons of The Big Bang Theory spinoff.
In season 6, Raegan Revord's Young Sheldon character finally stepped out of Sheldon's shadow after years of feeling frustrated by his neediness. Despite being fraternal twins, their mother has dedicated much more time to Sheldon than Missy, due to his many personal quirks and academic needs.
The sixth season of Young Sheldon saw Missy and Sheldon's relationship undergo a significant transformation. Her resentment towards her high-maintenance brother led to her acting out and caused a rift in their once close relationship.
After being regularly ignored by her parents, Missy acted out, started partying and even tried to run away from home at one point. The near-death experience during the Medford tornado in the Young Sheldon season 6 finale once again changed her relationship with her family.
Young Sheldon Season 7 Connects The Dots With Why Meemaw Is So Different In Big Bang Theory
Sheldon's Meemaw is quite different in The Big Bang Theory than she is in Young Sheldon, but Young Sheldon's final season works to connect the two.In the following, we look at what Sheldon and Missy Cooper's twin relationship was like at the beginning of Young Sheldon and why their bond started to sever as they got older. We also reveal what Sheldon's relationship with his twin sister is like in The Big Bang Theory.
The Cooper Twins, Sheldon And Missy Were Closer When They Were Younger

Missy and Sheldon Cooper haven't always had such a complicated relationship. When the pair were younger, they were much closer. Although Missy always mocked her brother, she would frequently comfort him and was very protective of him to those outside the family. Despite their many differences, they loved each other and always had the other's back.
When Missy Comforted Sheldon
In the first episode of Young Sheldon season 2, Sheldon gets frustrated at the noise the refrigerator is making. No one else can hear it, and his father refuses to have it checked. Missy encourages him to get his tools and fix the appliance himself, much to George's annoyance. After George yells at Sheldon for costing them lots of money after he disassembles the fridge, Missy gives him a big hug and comforts her brother.

Young Sheldon's Raegan Revord Had A Forgotten Role In This Popular TV Show
Raegan Revord is synonymous with Young Sheldon, but that's not her only credit.When Missy Climbed Into Sheldon's Bed
In Season 2, episode 12, "A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor Poster," Sheldon is hospitalized when his gall bladder needs to be removed. While his parents stay with him for surgery, Georgie and Missy must remain at home with Meemaw. Missy misses her brother and climbs into his bed to sleep that night to feel close to him.
When Sheldon Dedicates His Speech To Missy
When Sheldon graduated from high school in Young Sheldon season 4, episode 1, he was made valedictorian. This role required him to give a big speech in front of the school and the parents of the graduating class. The night before his big day, he reveals to Missy that he is scared of the public speaking role and how his life is about to change. His sister reassures him and tells him it's okay to be scared. Sheldon dedicates this speech to Missy, even quoting her insights into facing fear and being brave.
Missy Removes A Splinter From Sheldon
When Mary gets a job during Young Sheldon season 1, episode 14, “Potato Salad, a Broomstick, and Dad's Whiskey”, George convinces her the twins can stay at home unsupervised. When faced with potential danger, Sheldon is like a deer in headlights, while Missy deals better in a crisis. When Sheldon gets a splinter, he panics, but thankfully, Missy is on hand to help. Her skills playing the Operation boardgame helps her remove the splinter and save the day.
Why Missy And Sheldon's Relationship Is Strained

Sheldon and Missy's relationship has been strained throughout season 6 as the young Cooper daughter starts to rebel against her family. Their relationship takes a turn, which ends in an emotional confrontation. This intense exchange comes from Sheldon refusing to recognize Missy's struggles and how much praise he gets in comparison to his sister.
Their rift comes to a head when Sheldon tattles on Missy for sneaking out to smoke and drink with Pastor Jeff's niece. Sheldon is concerned for Missy's well-being, but she doesn't see it that way. She thinks that her brother is telling on her in the hopes of getting her trouble, while he looks like a good son for informing his parents.
Raegan Revord's Net Worth Changed Forever After Being Cast As Missy In Young Sheldon
Raegan Revord not only showed the world her acting chops as Missy Cooper in TBBT spinoff Young Sheldon, but she also made a lot of money.Although Sheldon tries to smooth things out before he goes to Germany, his sister is too angry to even consider speaking to the boy genius.
After the tornado hits their hometown, Missy steps up in Mary's absence to care for her family. In season 7, we saw the only Cooper daughter taking on bigger responsibilities and growing out of her rebellious phase. This comes with some annoyance from Missy, who is forced into a homemaker role when Sheldon chases his academic dreams abroad. Although it looks like this rebellious patch will come back, as in The Big Bang Theory adult Georgie describes Missy as "just a dumb teenager," after the untimely death of their father.
Does Sheldon Cooper Have A Relationship With Missy In Big Bang Theory?

Sheldon Cooper's sister was the first member of his family to appear in The Big Bang Theory, appearing in season 1, episode 15, "The Porkchop Indertiminacy." Since then, she appeared and was spoken about sporadically throughout the CBS show's 12 seasons.
Due to distance, Missy and Sheldon's relationship wasn't as close as it was in their youth. Sheldon moved to Pasadena while his twin sister stayed in Texas to raise her family.
In her season one appearance, Raj takes a shine to Missy, much to Sheldon's annoyance. Sheldon declares he will decide who Missy will date and tells her she could produce a child who is "taller, smarter, and less prone to freckling, a Sheldon 2.0, if you will".
Missy tells Sheldon that she is fine with him acting like a brother who cares about her, but if he tries to tell her who to sleep with, they are gonna go "round and round" like they did when they were children. Sheldon does not quite understand why she is so upset with his concern, which leads to the two bickering like children again.
Despite their differences, Sheldon returned home to Texas in season 7 of The Big Bang Theory, episode titled "The Cooper Extraction" to help because Missy was about to give birth, but her husband was recovering from a terrible motorcycle accident. Missy makes her last appearance in The Big Bang Theory at Sheldon's wedding, where Amy declares her delight at finally having a sister.