Jason Aaron has proved himself to be a skilled writer, and his Star Wars ongoing series is one of the strongest Marvel comics out right now. That said, though, I’m really not convinced his latest arc – which comes to a close in this week’s Star Wars #30 – was a particularly wise move.
The central concept is a simple one: Luke Skywalker has found the Journal of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and is reading it while learning what it means to be a Jedi. He stumbles upon a narrative that tells him of a great Jedi Master who stumbled into a bizarre situation on a distant world. The bulk of the story is the recounting of Yoda’s adventures, but the close has drawn Luke back into it, as he unwisely heads to this world and confronts the legacy of Yoda’s visit.
With the story finally complete, I have to say that Aaron has shown himself to be at his creative best. Right now, the Star Wars franchise is growing ever more fascinated by the idea of Kyber Crystals. So, Aaron has imagined a world where the mountains themselves are towering crystalline beings, and where warring factions of children have unwittingly soaked their world in the Dark Side. The climax – with Luke Skywalker bringing hope to a dead world – is perfectly done, and very much on-message with the idea that he represents the Galaxy’s hope for the future.
The problem, though, is that Aaron’s run is increasingly feeling like an uncomfortable fit in the broader Star Wars franchise. With the arc now complete, I’m far from convinced it was a good idea to have Luke come so close to learning Yoda’s name. Frankly, it seems more than a little too convenient that Obi-Wan never wrote it down, and that Luke doesn’t hear Garro’s words when he mentions Yoda’s name. Meanwhile, the end-sequence hints that Aaron is coming close to the events of The Empire Strikes Back; soon, Luke will be ready to go to Yoda.
The problem here, though, is that Aaron’s Star Wars run kicks off shortly after the events of A New Hope – and Lucasfilm has already told other tales set in the time in between. This series already sits uncomfortably with Heir to the Jedi and The Weapon of a Jedi, and it’s telling an almost-continuous story. I’m not entirely sure how to reconcile Aaron’s Star Wars with the wider canon, and given the care Lucasfilm put into their timelines, that’s a real blow.
All in all, this is a strong issue. As I mentioned earlier, thematically it has a nice element to it, with Luke inspiring Garro to sacrifice himself for the sake of his world. Presenting Luke both as a symbol of hope and as the instigator for action is a nice touch, tying this arc back to the central themes of the franchise. Meanwhile, Salvador Larroca’s art is as on-point as we’re used to – he’s clearly having a blast working with Star Wars, and the scenes between Yoda and the mountain are so beautifully rendered.
If you can get past the concept, and past the awkward continuity, then this is an entertaining issue.
Star Wars #30 is a strong issue, but it's sadly undermined by an uncomfortable concept. If you can get past the continuity issues, though, you should enjoy it.
Star Wars #30 Review