Tony Robbins Facts & Wiki
Where does Tony Robbins live? And how much money does Tony Robbins earn?
Birth Date | 29-2-1960 |
Heritage/origin | American |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion – believes in God? | Non-religious |
Residence | He owns a house in Manalapan, FL. |
Tony Robbins Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses
Tony Robbins is an American success coach, professional public speaker, actor, and self-help author who has a net worth of $600 million dollars. He is best known for his popular seminars and self-help books. Tony also owns 33 companies in various industries.
Estimated Net Worth | 600 million Dollar |
Yearly Salary | N/A |
Tony Robbins is currently resides at Lantana, Florida. The 2-acre property,16,000 square-foot house cost him $24.75 million.
Tony Robbins: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends
Tony Robbins was married to Becky Robbins from 1984 to 1997. He then married Bonnie in October 2001 at his resort in Fiji.
Who is Tony Robbins dating in 2023?
Relationship status | Married (Since 2001) |
Sexuality | Straight |
Current Wife of Tony Robbins | Bonnie Robbins |
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives | Rebecca Jenkins |
More info | Was previously married and divorced |
Has any kids? | Yes, father of: Jairek Robbins & Jolie Jenkins |
Will the marriage of American writer Tony Robbins and current Wife, Bonnie Robbins survive 2023?
Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:
Jolie Jenkins (Daughter)
Jairek Robbins (Son)
John Mohorovic (Father)
Nikki Robbins (Mother)
Marcus Robbins (Brother)
Tara Robbins (Sister)
Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color
This passionate writer originating from Los Angeles, California, U.S. has a tall body & long face type.Hair color | Black |
Hairstyle | businessy |
Beard or Mustache | Beardless |
Eye Color | Dark Brown |
Height | 201 cm | Weight | 88 kilo |
Feet size | 16 |
Does Tony Robbins smoke? | No, never |
Does Tony Robbins have a tattoo? | No |
Fitness, workout and diet | Tony Robbins created a 10-minute daily exercise called “priming”. It is based on techniques found in yoga and Buddhist mindfulness meditation. |
Official websites/fansites:
Does Tony Robbins have official Social Media profiles?